Standing still is not an Option….
With the New Year in full swing I like everyone else have those feelings, thoughts, and emotions that come flooding in every New Year of “I need to make a difference, and change the things that did not serve me well in previous year”. Standing still is not an option, we must move forward from the past as a stepping stone, not viewing it as a sign hung around our necks defining us in a way that most often paralyzes us from moving forward, but instead empowering us to learn from our failures, and jump on opportunities that come our way instead of passing them up.
While 2011 held a lot of change and unexpected moves in my family’s lives 2012 I feel is going to be a year of even more unexpected changes. However, this year brings a vibe of excitement for the changes that will occur for my family.
I was on the phone with a dear friend today discussing how we both wanted to use our lives as being KINGDOM BUILDERS, and not wasting them.
That’s when this song by Lecrae a Christian rap artist my daughter Rielly introduced me to popped into my head. Now keep in mind it is wrap so you might only get the key phrase—Don’t waste your life, but I have included the link if you would like to listen to the song.
While he has a lot of good things to say about not wasting your life bottom-line the big question is how we do that. So many of us want to set back and wait, and never take a leap of faith.
My dear friend shared with me some advice that her parents passed on to her which now I will pass on to you.
She told me that anytime she asked her parents for advice about making a difference or moving forward. Her mom and dad would say, “Standing still is not an option. God has put you on the earth to be a mover and a shaker and God never promised that the path would be easier or even straight. However, when you move and ask him to open and close doors he will do just that. Our part is the being willing to MOVE!”
So my two cents for the day is…..
So I encourage you this NEW YEAR to Move! Girls, for us to be a Kingdom Builders, and not waste our lives Standing still is not an option for you or I! Now do not misinterpret what I am saying there is always a time and place where we should BE STILL AND KNOW GOD is in control.
Let’s do this thing! Let’s pray that in 2012 God has big plans for our lives and let’s be willing to get in the game!
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