Today, I had a chance/ opportunity that would
have been really good for me. Yet, in my heart I knew that the time associated
with it would only pull me away from my focus- My Family. Don’t get me wrong I came home trying to
figure out how it would or could work because the opportunity is something that
does not presences itself every day.
After giving myself a headache of what if’s or could this be it…
questions. I called my husband. With the
wisdom of Solomon, he reminded me of our family goal, and I knew even though this was
not a bad thing to be involved with it probably was something I was going to
need to pass on so in the end I could say yes to the best.
Sometimes, I think God gives us a chance to say no to
something that is good so that later we can say yes to the best. What I mean when I say that is…. As mom’s all of us sign up at the beginning of
the year to be a part of the PTO. Then we sign our kids up for sports, dances, balancing work, being involved in bible studies.
All of these things are great things to be involved with UNTIL they
start taking time away from what should be our TOP priority our families. But
we could even take this a step further, as women we think we can volunteer, keep adding on more things for our families to do because this is what we do we get involved, and we keep this pace up until we eventually wear ourselves out and our families.
Kailee told me last week, Mommy our schedule is too busy we are not spending time as just a family. With the rain pouring down today. I am a little relieved that soccer got canceled because I am circling up the wagons and hunkering down for a night, I have a pot of chili cooking, and can't wait to tell the girls that we are going to be able to relax tonight. Oh wait! Darn- I forgot Rielly has drama, that ends at 6:00 and then we can relax! :)
So my two cents today is this:
When something exciting presents itself to you whether it is
to join a new club, go out with some girlfriends, or volunteering more at your
child’s school. STOP! Truly evaluate what you are trying to accomplish as a
family or even personally. Do you want see those goals you desire to come forth in your life? If the
answer is Yes, then it is time to take a hard look at what you are saying YES
to. WE cannot let our minds beat us up
by saying, “You know you can do that!”
Instead, we must learn what is truly important and how we can protect
our time to make sure we can accomplish it. Trust me here girls, I am preaching to the choir because I own the shirt and the front place parking sign with my name on it as OVER COM MITER! But with every new day I begin to learn more and hear more and understand that when I quickly jump in I rob another person from what is the BEST for them.
My Two Cent’s of The Day:
Just because you are asked to do something. Does not mean you need to
volunteer to do it! Learn to say no to
the good so you can say yes to the best!
Love y’all
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