Restart that "Stinking Thinking"

Have you ever had one of those weeks, months, days where you felt like  nothing was working out for you?  Sure you have! We all have had those moments.

So what do we do? How can we get over those moments where we feel as if nothing is changing?  Where do we put our faith in action at that moment?  What  can  we do to get the train back on the tracks?

First, I think you have to look at what you are thinking about.  Are we thinking with "stinking thinking thoughts"  or are focusing on those affirmations that lift us up? I don't know about you but it always seems to start with a tiny thought of doubt, or what if I do this.... and then the avalanche of cra cra starts flowing. You have heard it from the young age. What you think about comes about!  Why is that? Well its simple.  All our battles begin in our minds. Our minds are powerful!  If  you dwell on it. The human mind will find away to make it happen.  Why do you think we are seeing an increase in divorces due to porn in America.  It's simple its because the image is put out there, and thought about, dreamed about, allowed to grow rapid. The so call fantasy world slowly trickles into the minds until those thoughts begin to be put into actions. I don't have a son myself, but I do have daughters, and watching what society tells them they have to act like to get a boy is enough to make me sick!

If you want to do a 180 in your thinking area and see major change then it will all begin when those "stinking thinking" thoughts begin to slip into your mind.  Don't you dare dwell on it for one second! I love the song... "be careful little eyes what you see because the father up above is looking down below."  

 You counter act all the negative, lies, and  stressful thoughts that race through your mind  with truth. When a thought comes in your mind that is not good, or going to cause damage.  It is simple we  have to do these 2 things.

1. Quote the word.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

2. Pray. Then leave it up to God.

If we want to see things change for us  and begin to see those mountains move  and miracles flow, then we have to  get a hold of our mind, our thoughts, and truly think on what is good, noble, and just.


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