I was ready to hit the ground running and have my own Cinderella fairytale type of day. I had spent the night before preparing lunches for the girls, helping them pick out their outfits a.k.a Princess gowns, and finishing the Royal pain in the butt homework. However, all my planning and preparation was thrown out the window, and all hell broke loose when the alarm went off this morning at 5:45 a.m.
Rielly woke up throwing up, the master bedroom sink had been dripping all night and the floor of the bathroom was covered in water, and my sock covered feet announced to me that the carpet was also wet.
In all the Craziness of this morning I was reminded that JESUS is carefully cleaning out of our hearts, step by step, He is asking us to have His mindset. We need to understand that we are living for so much more than what this world has to offer each one us girls. He reminded me that while I am in a season of my life that I would classify more as a nightmare instead of a fairytale. That I cannot allow for this season of my life or any moment on we have on the face of this world bog us down girls!
I was reminded that all my worrying was for nothing and that I should not be anxious about any of my circumstances or issues my family is facing. Totally, Easier said than done! I can say this with confidence because of what God has done in my life in the past. Not only has God promised to provide, he also promises to give us PEACE in all our situation or chaotic day.
So my Two Cent’s Worth Today:
Today try to clear your life of one distraction by adding a prayer time during your most hectic and chaotic part of the day! Even if it is as simple as JESUS I NEED HELP! When we face days as this our prayer time can be, “GOD, I NEED YOU! I am Sooo Weak!” No matter what just send that S.O.S to God!! You do not have to go all Beth Moore on me, just a moment to stop and ask God for peace.
He just wants His Chicks!
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