Hello Chicks!
I can vividly recall being in Sunday School hearing Mrs. DeeDee Tripp teach us about the Israelites who made a week journey into a 40 year journey. I remember thinking as a young kid these Israelites sure are idiots. How could they be sooooo stupid and complain when all their needs were being met. Yet, here I find myself on a journey similar to that of the Israelites. Here I am waiting, complaining choosing not to be content and enjoy the journey to my so called “PROMISE LAND” while most of my needs are being met.
I do not know about you Ladies, but if I do not change and put off that way of thinking I feel I will never get out of the desert. The truth is God is and has faithfully been feeding me and providing for me, given me health children, and a loving husband. Yet, I complain about life, the girls having attitudes, my marriage is not what I think it should "look like", and even complained about the blessings of a new job and a home He provided.
For anyone of you girls who have heard me complain. Will you please forgive me? I have not been a good steward of my blessings. I have not been praising God. I have broken the heart of God by complaining. Worst of all, I have camped out and began to decorate my tent in the desert instead of allowing God to teach me to Trust Him and to Live CONTENT in the season I am in.
I am asking you chicks to keep me countable with being content in the season God has brought me too. I am choosing to enjoy the journey and be content with the house I am in, try and enjoy my marriage and my children and the challenges I face with each girl, fill blessed that I get to wear multiple hats of employee, Momma, and wife.
I am making a vow before you ladies tonight that I DO SOLEMNLY RESOLVE to embrace my current season of life and will MAXIMIZE my time in it. I will RESIST the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a SPIRIT OF CONTENTMENT.
I hate resolutions because I am not one who normally makes them because I am one who does not like disappointing people, or failing in life. I am choosing to make this resolve knowing that I am not perfect. I will mess up. However, I am willing to fail knowing that in the end I will wind the war even if I lose some battles in the process. I want to encourage you ladies to really take a deep look and pray and seek God. Ask him if you need to take this type of resolve in your life as well as we face a new year.
Hebrews 13:5
Love you girls!
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