Speak with Boldness

Boldness has never been a struggle of mine. I have always been able to speak up and say what is on my mind.  Honestly, my boldness normally hurts me more than it helps me.   I was looking forward to bringing on a new client to handle their marketing.  I had scheduled a phone call with the owner after receiving an inquiry. After going over some of his needs we were finalizing the Scope of Work. 

I  listened to this  business owners needs and then I heard the Lord speak clearly and said, "You tell him he is speaking and thinking things that destroy his family... I will handle the rest."  So finally after hearing this man speak as negative as he could. I politely interpreted him and said,"Sir, with all do respect. I know you do not know me from Adam. However, I feel the Lord told me to tell you something."  I did not give him a chance to say no or yes. (I truly have a gift in this. LOL) 

I said, " Sir,  the Lord has brought you out of working at the beer company and has given you many blessings. You need to tap into Praising God. You need to have an additude of gratefulness   because GOD alone has poured out an abundance of blessings on you and you are being ungrateful.  Your God has done exactly what Jeremiah 29:11 says... He has plans to prosper you and they are good and to give you a HOPE! Do you not know that you are working against him when you say those things?"

Then I thought to myself. OH MY STARS! This will not be a future client.  I reminded myself,  God you pay our bills. I will be faithful.  

Then He responded, "Tiffany, how old are you?  I said I am 32 years old. Sir. My God has done big things for me. That is why I can speak to you with such boldness. I have watched God done the impossible in my life and I believe He can do it for you as well. I have aloud negative thoughts rob me from blessings and I don't want to see that happen to you" 

Then He said, "Tiffany, can I be honest with you.?"  

I said, "Yes Sir"  

Tiffany, I am going to be honest. I am unhappy and thinking about leaving my wife of 17 years. I am just not happy. 

Then I paused. thinking to myself.. Really God? This is  You handling it? You got to be kidding me. God take my mouth and use it. Let me say what I need to say.  Then I said the first thing that came to me. 

I said, "Sir, you don't have that right to walk out on your marriage on your wife of your youth. Marriage is a Covenant not a Contract. Marriage is not meant for your Happiness all the time it is meant for your Holiness. Sir, we are going to pray for you and your family?"  

I went boldly and I DO mean BODLY. My heart  pounding out of my chest  as I held that phone to my ear and began to pace my living room floor to the door of my house. I began to shake as I prayed for this family. I could see it I could feel it, and I cried out for Freedom and Chains of addiction to be broken. 

  I was broken for that wife, mother and lady I did not know. My mind was flooded with a very graphic movie like of this family.  I had an image of her in my mind and  I could not shake it.  I could only imagine what she was feeling.  So I prayed until the Lord told me to say the next thing.  

Then I took a deep breath and said in my head father God let me deliver it with love.Up to this point this man never once told me he was addicted to porn.  Sir, your wife is hurting very deeply. You are unhappy because you are filling your mind with images she will never be able to meet.  Your wife was created to reflect you back. The image you see in your wife right now is a mirror of yourself. Just as you should reflect the Lord to her. You are her mirror of Jesus and then she is your mirror of you. 

You have the wife God intended you to have. You need to stand up and be the man God has called you to be. If you walk out on your wife. You walk out on the blessings God has for you. I promise your business will not survive. You think you got it bad now. If you keep feeding your mind with these images you will be walking a path of death and destruction  The bible says, " Death and Destruction are never satisfied either are the eyes of man."  The only thing that will meet this unmet feeling you have is your Lord and Savior. No porn image or person can ever fulfill that need. 

 You have to be courageous. You have to take the pornography out of your phone, computer and burn the CD's and magazines you are hiding. Because your wife is beautiful and wants to please you yet you have given the enemy a foot hold in your home. You can do this. You must stand up and fight. You want to be seen as the big bad dude that can provide. Well then provide. Provide the way of escape for yourself. Go find a godly man and make him your mentor. Take the facade down and let God rebuild you. 

If you walk away from your wife and kids you are walking away from the blessings of the Lord. Then I paused. Not believing I said what I just had  said to this man. I could hear him breathing yet nothing coming out of the phone. I said. Sir, I know you can do this. I believe in you. Sometimes the best leaders admit when they are wrong and just simply say sorry will you forgive me. You might want to add a rose with that as well. Then I giggled. 

He said, "Mrs. Tiffany, I am not certain why you have taken time out of your day to speak into my life,  and that prayer you prayed. But Mrs. Tiffany  you have done something so big that I could never repay you for. You spoke the truth. The truth that sets you free.  No one knew about that stuff. That pornography has done nothing but made me unhappy in marriage and now I see it is stealing my very life out of me. 

I said, No sir I don't know you. But God is a God of precise timing! But I also know you are my brother in Christ and you needed a hand out of the pit. That pit is dark and brings destruction to more people than just you. So I am glad I got to throw down the life line to you, but it is your job to climb out.Please know that Satan is not going to lie down now the fight will get harder. 

I did not tell him this but when I was praying for him, I felt like the Holy Spirit showed me a very crystal picture of  his wife and of him, and I had a choice of throwing the lifeline down to help.  As much as I wanted to bring his company on and have a new client. I came to the point with God that yes we need money, but I would rather be apart of saving a marriage  than having a new client. I knew God was given me a choice of throwing down the life line rope. I had to throw it down.  I hung the phone up and tears flooded me. I began to pray even more. I knew that I had done the right thing, yet I was in totally shock of what I just said to this man and what occurred on that phone call. 

I want to encourage you ladies out there. We all have chances to speak into peoples lives. Sometimes it is easy to be bold. Other times you are scared to death, because we need a paycheck, or scared you will lose your friends. But the one thing God taught me today is. I AM your Jehovah Jirah. You speak Bold and IN LOVE and my truth will set people free. 

While I will probably will never met his beautiful wife, and who knows if He will sign the Scope of Work now. LOL!  I truly believe I was apart of getting a family back into church, started the healing of a marriage, and help a man break the addiction of Porn off his life. All because this chick spoke with boldness and did not allow the enemy to tell her she is stupid. What will you do today?  Will you be bold! The fields are ready to harvest? Are you ready to go to work?  Because God is ready to put us to WORK!!!! 

Love y'all



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