from a 'kumbaya'Family
5 personalities, 4 girls, 1 handsome man, and a cute little
fur ball is what our family is made up of.
Each family is made up with different personalities, strengths, birth
orders and weakness. When one of us
hurts the others hurt. When one wins we all celebrate. When entering our doors you might feel as if you enter a firework show rather than a calm
campfire scene setting around roasting marshmallows singing Kumbaya my Lord. While most people would take Cort as a quiet a
man of little words, I have had the pleasure from day one to get to see the
side that he only allows few to know.
Cort Bethmann is the
funniest man I have ever met in my life. He leads with wisdom and strength, and
when it comes to competition it is on!
My girls are very different. Rielly has always been mature way beyond
her years, has the most giving and loving spirit. She is very reserved and
tends to follow in her daddy’s footsteps of watching you and assisting you
before allowing you in. Once she feels you will not hurt her. Chaise is very sweet she is our middle child
and is very territorial over her things. I am always amazed at the deals she
works up with her sisters. She tends to be the “money bags” of the family. I love watching her and Rielly when the come
up with an idea. Rielly pitches the idea, and approaches Chaise for a loan.
Chaise comes up with what she will need to have in return for her investment and
they both come out on top. Kailee Grace is the youngest of the family. Let’s
just say that little bit has three mommies, and keeps us all on our toes.
Rielly and Chaise tell her all of the time she has Jedi-mad skills of getting
out of trouble and can get me laughing. Buddy the dog is the newest addition.
God never gave me a son of my own flesh so I got a male dog. I figured it was a
good trade, and would be easier on my body. To say I love my family is an understatement.
These are the 5 people I would take a bullet for; jump in a train for would
give my last breath to. While we might
not be perfect, God brought us together to be the Bethmanns.
You hear it a lot that two first borns together makes life a
little difficult sometimes. Why is that?
Well, being a first born married to a first born, and having a first
born, middle and baby in the family I have been asking God to show me how to
use our strengths as firstborns as strengths instead of weakness.
Typically, if you are a first born you will tend to be a “little”
bossy. I stress “little”. I mean you see
yourself as smarter and better than
others and well no one can do it to your level, and statics prove that they are
typically are the movers and shakers. We
also tend to be the perfectionists of the world, just a personal opinion but I
think it is because we did not pop out of the womb holding the parenting book.
We are the lab rat tester for our parents. Having my own first born and knowing the level
I hold her too I 100% believe this to be true.
We tend to have a running joke in our home with our oldest
daughter Rielly. She loves watching Nanny 911 and has the British accent down, and
all her parenting techniques down. She tends to crack me up when she bust out
as my personal Nanny teaching me how to raise the girls. Rielly
tells Cort and me all the time that we do not hold the other two girls to the
level that she was/ is held too. I love
being out in public and Rielly start talking about how “WE” (Cort, her and me)
are raising the two little girls. I will
tell you yes I have slacked the more kids I get because you learn that some
things just are not that big of a deal as you thought. While we do most of the parenting, being the oldest
in my family and having a little sister. I do understand that the two other
girls do want to be like their oldest sister. Since Rielly was six she has been a role model
to the other girls, and honestly walks out that calling very well. While no one
is perfect she does try her best to give advice and does a great job helping us
So with three first borns in the house we tend to have three
natural born leaders, which means we have three different ideas and we all
think we are right. It amazes me that
the child that is the same birth order as you tend to clash more with. So even though Cort and I to be like two sheep
butting heads due to those natural personalities and traits of being first
borns, I would not trade it for the world. I love the way Cort leads, and how
as a first born you have this feeling of needing to establish your territorial right.
So while we will probably never have the kumbaya family. I
know with every fiber in my being we are all in this family because He has a
plan. So I started asking God what verses do I pray. We can’t change birth
orders, our family is our family. Rielly
says our family motto is: "Ohana means family. Family means no one is left
behind - or forgotten."
I really
started thinking about that this morning after dropping her off at school. We
are all part of Go’'s family and each one of us has a birth order, traits, and
personality, and no matter how crazy it gets God tells us we are his Ohana! Nothing
we do can ever take us out of his hands. No one, no thing can pluck us from his
hands. Not even anything we do. I know that I have not been the perfect Christian,
wife or mother. Yet nothing can remove me out of the Bethmann Family, or the
Family of God. Today, I felt lead to let you each know that there is absolutely
nothing you can do that will take your spiritual birth right. While you might think,
“Oh my if they knew this about me…. They would not accept me. Well, I want you
to know that is nothing but a lie from the enemy.
remember a time in my life I had to call my husband up scared to death to let
him know what I was dealing with, but opening up the lines of communication and
sharing what I was going through brought about freedom for me and even for
him. It really ticks me off that so many
of us believe the lies of the enemy that we cannot let our family know because
I will look like a failure or they will view me as a weak person. When in reality, not opening up and asking
for help from someone family member or friend you are staying in prison.
I want to
shout it from the roof tops. God gives you opportunities to get out of what you
are trapped in, however if we allow pride and fear to paralyzes we might miss
out on the best He has for us. I don’t know who this is for today, but I feel very
strong to let you know. "Ohana means family. Family means no one is
left behind - or forgotten." Nothing you do, say will ever take you out of
your earthly or physical family. Do not believe the lie. Walk in your freedom
today. Remove the Yuck that has a grip over you.
I know it
is hard to admit when you do something that is something that goes so against
every fiber of your being. When I say I
have walked out that process I have walked it out. More than I would ever like
to admit. The one thing I have learned is the longer you let it linger the
deeper the wound to heal. While fear and the lies of the enemy will try to keep
you paralyzed you have to take the stance of a first born. Whether you are a
firstborn, baby or middle child in your family, in the kingdom of God, You are
a first born! You are strong, you are a leader, you have the ability to push
through and come up on top.
So my two
cent’s today is:
Stand Firm on these verses….God wants to bring
Healing, yet you get a choice today. Will today be the day of Freedom for
you? Remember "Ohana
means family. Family means no one is left behind - or forgotten."
John 8:7 When they persisted
in asking him questions, he straightened up and said, "The person who is
sinless should be the first to throw a stone at her."
This gives
you the peace in knowing. We all sin and no one is without sin. Rest in the
Gal. 5:1 It is for freedom
that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be
burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Check out this song: It is one I love and very close to my heart.
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