Becoming the Expert!

Today, was turning out to be another typical day. Got up did the whole dog and pony show of getting dressed, started a load of laundry, read my devotion, and  answered some emails. It is amazing how quickly we can revert into the daily routines and become bogged down with the daily grind before we know it we look up and it is 10:26 am and we are thinking where did the time just go?

I have always had the attitude of I want to be the best, second is not good enough for me. Maybe that has  a lot to do with being the first borne child.  Lately, I have been trying to become the "expert" in a particular area of my life.  I have always been a huge advocate of praying and journal.  So it is funny when, you come across something and it is clear as day and you had only shared it with you, your journal, and the big man upstairs.

 We all have areas that we would like to be the so call "experts" in.

1.Inventing a Device that will save the worlds water supply
2. Best Body
3. Raises the smartest kids alive.
4. The Fashion Diva
5. The Next Paula Dean

It could be even something as simple as. Respecting your husband and loving your children. Whatever it is don't give up on becoming that expert,or maybe you have never done an life inventory. If not I encourage you to think about it. There is something that you have secretly unawarely set your eyes out to be the expert in. Most of the time  it is not that we want to be the expert for others, but just the expert in our own minds.  Because in  our minds if we  are the expert we are well doing it the best and most efficient way possible.

I know it seems crazy that we would kid ourselves to  think that with a snap of a finger we could hear something and BOOM become the expert on this issue.

It is not a bad thing for us to desire something and want to be the expert in that area. I actually think it is a good goal to have. However, we must always give ourselves the permission to become the "Beginner" before we can actually be the " Expert".

We have to be able to not hold ourselves to the level of being a Mount Everest Climber if we are truly just about to take our first hike.  It takes time to build and become what God wants and desires for our lives and what we want and desire for our lives.

So when you start to hold yourselves to the crazy level of an Expert just remind yourself that all Experts had to be the Beginner.  Today, I was pinned these words in my journal.    So my two cent's of the day is:

God is more interested in your growth than what you are going through. Trails will change forms and manifest themselves in different ways. However, until we get the growth God desires we will never become the EXPERTS! Don't allow fears, others smart remarks, the lies of they will never change.  We must never let   challenges paralyze us.  You are More than a Conqueror and you will be formed into the Expert at the Correct Time. Maybe not mine but when the transformation is completed you will not have to announce it others will be drawn to you to learn.   You got to start somewhere!!! To be great we must become the student not the instructor first.  So start growing your courage and become one step closer to being the EXPERT TODAY!

I hope those words help you!  Remember, Life is short.  Have the goal of becoming the Expert in something! Because you were designed for GREATNESS!!!!


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