Cort likes to joke around and call me Dr. Bethmann because anytime the kids or he is not feeling good I have some type of “advice or know what they need to do to feel better”. The saying goes something like this...What would “Tiffany” the expert  do? Now don’t get me wrong 8 out of 10 times I am right. I mean that is why they have to ask the "expert" But that is not the point.  Ok…. OK… So, I will admit it to you girls that I am wrong more than I would like to admit. But SHHHhhhh I do not want this to get back to Cort and the girls! I like being the "Family Expert" 

However tonight, I am filled with joy and tears all at the same time. Because when we meet people and love them where they are there is no need for advice and/or check off list.  I want to encourage each all of us chicks to keep stepping out in faith, and speak with compassion. Allowing the love of God to flow through you and meet people where they are at in life. Trust me! It is not an easy thing. Especially, if you are like me and you always think you have the answer, BUT you  can bet your bottom dollar that GOD WILL ALWAYS do something BIG! When WE get out’ the way!

  All God ask us to do is to JUST LOVE.  It does not take a rocket scientist to just love. When we truly show love to people through our words, and our actions, and we are staying out of the way then we are just loving, and allowing God to move in.  

 You know Nike was onto something in my opinion, when they launched one of the most recognized marketing slogans of all times- The Just Do IT slogan.  I do not know but I am thinking if we could take that little check mark and mark it down that we are going to JUST DO IT. We might see people opening new chapters in their lives and walking through to gain some of their promises.

 So I leave you with my two cent’s worth tonight…
Just Do It! Spread the LOVE, and mark it down that this little hillbilly chick loves you! 

Love y'all!



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