The three most precious things in life to me are my daughters. But today my little Chaise melted my heart just a little. It was a typical Bethmann morning for the girls. I had finished making smoothies for their breakfast. Sent Rielly out the door with her ride, and was serving the two little girls up with some smoothies while we watched a television evangelist.
Chaise was reclined on the sofa with her smoothie when she let the berry filled smoothie dribble down her neon orange brand new shirt. She was devastated! Luckily I had my wonder woman costume under my pjs.
I quickly assessed the situation like any good ER nurse would and said Chaise I am going to need to preform some surgery on your shirt with some Shout and will have it good as new before the bus arrives. I was back in my bathroom blow drying the shirt dry when she came in. I announced to her, " Chaise, it is as good as new!" With the most melt your heart puppy dog eyes she said, Mommy I don't know what I would do without you!
Funny how our kids have a way of making us feel important by just needing us. I think the same is true with our Heavenly Father.
Well as a mother of three girls, my jobs is to show them by example and hopefully when I breath my last breathe they will remember the things I taught them. From the saving the day before school tricks, look people in the eye when you speak, take time to read their name tags to show the check out lady she is important, to simply believing the best when it seems there is no hope. Spreading a little love and hope will go along way, but if you leave it behind to our children it will go a lot longer. Keep in mind with out Love we can do NOTHING! So show some love to someone today, even the person who doesn't deserve it because they need it the most!
Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Friendly Salsa Dip
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Tuesday, June 25, 2013
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I am always on the search for healthy yummy recipes that will keep me feeling great and keep us all in shape! Those of you who know me well know without a doubt when it comes to cooking I am no Martha Stewart. Cooking totally does not come natural to me by any stretch. However this is a 100% dummy proof recipe and takes less than 10 minutes to make. My kind of cooking! But the best part of it is you can still wear your favorite yellow polka dot bikini and not feel guilty eating something that taste so yummy.
Black Bean & Corn Salsa
1 can black beans, rinsed
1 can corn, rinsed
3 Roma tomatoes, chopped
4 green onions, chopped
2 avocados, chopped
1/4 cup red onion, chopped
1/4-1/2 fat free Italian dressing
Jalapeno, chopped (opt)
Cilantro, chopped
Combine all chopped ingredients and mix together in a bowl, add Italian dressing. Serve with chips totally optional It is also great alone!
Becoming the Expert!
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
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Today, was turning out to be another typical day. Got up did the whole dog and pony show of getting dressed, started a load of laundry, read my devotion, and answered some emails. It is amazing how quickly we can revert into the daily routines and become bogged down with the daily grind before we know it we look up and it is 10:26 am and we are thinking where did the time just go?
I have always had the attitude of I want to be the best, second is not good enough for me. Maybe that has a lot to do with being the first borne child. Lately, I have been trying to become the "expert" in a particular area of my life. I have always been a huge advocate of praying and journal. So it is funny when, you come across something and it is clear as day and you had only shared it with you, your journal, and the big man upstairs.
We all have areas that we would like to be the so call "experts" in.
1.Inventing a Device that will save the worlds water supply
2. Best Body
3. Raises the smartest kids alive.
4. The Fashion Diva
5. The Next Paula Dean
It could be even something as simple as. Respecting your husband and loving your children. Whatever it is don't give up on becoming that expert,or maybe you have never done an life inventory. If not I encourage you to think about it. There is something that you have secretly unawarely set your eyes out to be the expert in. Most of the time it is not that we want to be the expert for others, but just the expert in our own minds. Because in our minds if we are the expert we are well doing it the best and most efficient way possible.
I know it seems crazy that we would kid ourselves to think that with a snap of a finger we could hear something and BOOM become the expert on this issue.
It is not a bad thing for us to desire something and want to be the expert in that area. I actually think it is a good goal to have. However, we must always give ourselves the permission to become the "Beginner" before we can actually be the " Expert".
We have to be able to not hold ourselves to the level of being a Mount Everest Climber if we are truly just about to take our first hike. It takes time to build and become what God wants and desires for our lives and what we want and desire for our lives.
So when you start to hold yourselves to the crazy level of an Expert just remind yourself that all Experts had to be the Beginner. Today, I was pinned these words in my journal. So my two cent's of the day is:
God is more interested in your growth than what you are going through. Trails will change forms and manifest themselves in different ways. However, until we get the growth God desires we will never become the EXPERTS! Don't allow fears, others smart remarks, the lies of they will never change. We must never let challenges paralyze us. You are More than a Conqueror and you will be formed into the Expert at the Correct Time. Maybe not mine but when the transformation is completed you will not have to announce it others will be drawn to you to learn. You got to start somewhere!!! To be great we must become the student not the instructor first. So start growing your courage and become one step closer to being the EXPERT TODAY!
I hope those words help you! Remember, Life is short. Have the goal of becoming the Expert in something! Because you were designed for GREATNESS!!!!
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Wednesday, May 29, 2013
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When I got married 12 years ago to the most wonderful
man on the face of the earth, I had zero
intentions of starring in my own reality series of “HUSBAND and Children MAKEOVER “. I mean I was staring in our own personal
drama before reality shows were even cool. I slowly
fell captive to trying to makeover and change everyone around me instead of the
one person that needed to change.
One of my favorite “help” books of all times is
Power of the Praying Wife. I remember
the day when my precious mother-in-law gave me these books. My first thought was oh no this is going to
be bad. His own mother is trying to pass the baton to me and give me a book to
change him. So when we hit our first storm. I picked that book up knowing with
every fiber in my body who needed the changing. I was on the mission to
Makeover and Change that man. Little did I know, that the first chapter was
going to be all about changing me. I mean really Stormie? If you want women to read this you might want
to throw them a bone or two. Just
Kidding! While most people could knock
that chapter out in like 15 minutes and move on. It has taking me a life- time.
The first time of what I like to call the pounding on the potter wheel for me
took a good solid month of ready just chapter one. CHANGE YOU! I mean when I picked this book up I was ready to hit my knees and change everything I saw that could be better. It is so funny how we get sucked into envy and wanted our marriage or kids to be something that maybe is not what God wants or needs. The sooner you can lay the facade down and embrace what God has for you the better it will be. So go ahead get off that hamster wheel and embrace what God wants your family and marriage to be, and I promise it will be you changing not them it will be 100% about changing you.
The funny thing about this whole thing looking back over the years the one person who God wanted to change was me. Sometimes you might ask yourself. Why does it have to be me that needs to change? Why do I always have to be the one to change? The one thing I tell myself whether it is true or not is that "Hey you are better at change! And more of a risk taker so naturally it has to be you who changes first. Because the person willing to risk changing them is the bigger gambler. One of my favorite sayings is GO BIG OR GO HOME! So Go big Go for the change.
It is a very humble thing when God starts to place you on the refiner’s
firer or on the potter’s wheel and begins to mold you. Honestly, I know Paul talks about counting it
all joy through trails. I think that man must have one good direct line to God
and has to be on an IV drip of Prozac, Clear Mood or something. Sure looking back on different trails I can
honestly say. They were for my good and made me a stronger and better person
today. I am all for praising through the
storm, but I also give myself permission to be human and know God is going to
love me through it. Having three girls in the family I have often been occussed of having a house full of drama. I always think to myself, well YEA!!! I mean we all have a Heavenly Father and if you don't think He would take the Oscar for BEST ACTOR and Best Drama well I am going to go on a limb and say you probably have not read the bible lately. So yes Drama does run in our family!
About a month later after receiving my book Power of the Praying Wife my mother-in-law gave me another book by
Dr Laura. How to Properly Feed and Nurture Your Husband. It was at that moment that I realized it was
not her son she was trying to change it was ME. I know all you daughter- in- laws
out there are starting to think if my mother- in -law did that she would not be stepping a foot in
my house and be thinking you need to call 911 or the Crazy Wagon. But honestly I know 100% that my mother in law was not trying to
Change me she was being that Titus 2 Woman we are called too. She was trying to pass on to me the biblical principals of what a wife should be. I am grateful for
my relationship with both my mom and my mother-in-law. They both in their own way encourage me and
teach me how to strive to be a godly women which in return has been passed down
to the next generation my girls. Praise God for those Titus 2 Women God has brought into my life to encourage me.
I can say it is probably a miracle that my man
stayed with me, and Rielly still listens and ask for advice. But we have all grown up a lot and I love that HE is the one person that can sharpen me more than any individual Cort knows the good, the bad and the ugly and still chooses to love me, and that is enough for me. I can't tell you a day that child has not spoken some type of truth into my life.
Now before you
start sending me messages of you are worthy of him and you are a great mother,
lalalal and etc. Please know that I do not think I am not a good mother and I
know 159% that we were the best thing that happened to each other, and that I
truly have given birth too not just one legend but three. But the bottom line as wives and moms and even
just as humans the only control and person we can change is the very one we
are scared to change, and that is the exact person that needs the change. Yea you know it. IT is US!
Trust me! I might have missed my calling as a drill sergeant
in the army. I have an act some might even call it a passion for helping others
be the “BEST THEY CAN BE” whether it is shoving it down their face or drilling
it in with the act of what I like to say “encouraging you to be all you can be”
however no matter how I like to dress it up it all comes down to two things.
1. Control
2. Nagging
So where do we go from here. How do we pass on to
our girls and our boys that it is ok to encourage, but there is a fine line and
so easy to step over into Controlling or Nagging, and if you are two first born
married to each other you know the
desire to lead, be perfect at everything and control is even a harder battle to overcome in your marriage.
The lesson that I feel we all can take and will
always be learning as long as we live is this:
When we have the desire to step in and nag or become
controlling to those we love or our friends we have to do these things.
Replace nagging
with prayer. (Not with: “Lord,
change him or her!” “Why are my kids not picking it up, I told them 800 times
already” But with replace the nagging with a simple easy prayer of:
Lord change me. Help me
love. Strengthen me to show unconditional love. Give me Your grace. Give me
Your wisdom. Give me your Peace.”)
Leave the room or conversation if possible or
appropriate. (Don’t even give
yourself a chance to get the words out!)
Change what you can control: your response.
I tend to go straight into the OH MY WORD level. So this one is become huge test. I sometimes
have to repeat over and over. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean
not on your own understanding.
Counting to 10 is
another thing that is working well for me.
My two cents of the day
Don’t kid yourself the ONLY person you can change is
yourself. God never called us to any type of control except that of SELF
A Little Action Goes a Long Way
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Comments: (0)
A Little Action Goes a Long Way
It is that time of year again, getting together expense
reports, mileage reports turning in the 1099s and W2s. Cort has been inundated
with work at his company trying to get all his clients prepared for their
taxes. I volunteered to handle our taxes this year. Finally, I convinced Cort I
could do it. This was my first actual year to do the taxes completely by
myself. The funny thing is now I
understand what he was trying to protect me from. Let’s just say if your man
does the taxes like Cort does for us. You need to give him some kind of “I
really appreciate the hard work kudos” because that stuff is for the birds.
After countless hours of going through receipts, bank
statements and calendars I felt as if I had conquered Mt Everest. But it was not until I began to use the shredder
this morning that something was spoken to my heart.
So many times in life we are handed tasks that we feel
overwhelmed and not competent to complete.
I am a perfectionist when it comes to completing a task maybe in a
different way than most perfectionists but never less a perfectionist. Anytime,
I begin a task I want to make sure that I get it done, fast, to a high standard
of excellence and please those people I am doing it for. When I feel as if I did not meet that standard
I get extremely mad at myself for letting people down and I begin to deal with
the “insecurities” that plague me, and turn my frustration on them through anger. Because my goal is always to knock it out of
the park. Everything I laid out is the cycle of insecurities I deal with. We all deal with insecurities on some level. If we were to say we don’t
we would be lying, and as the saying goes, "If your lying your dying!"
So what are
insecurities? I once heard insecurities defined
as being in your own personal crazy ward. I would have to agree with that. Your
mind plays tricks on you. Begins to go at you like you are going at war with yourself. Telling you how you don't measure up. He is mad at me. What did I do? Why are they mad? You know the common questions/answers you play silently in your head. We begin to allow our thoughts to tear us down and beat our self up. This is what I call classic Insecurities. We feel real heavy in our mind yet not for sure why.
The bible speaks plain as day about Satan is the “accuser”. His job is to try and get you and I hung up however.
I am convinced that he has three major attacks he launches at humans. One of my favorite things to do is cuddle on the sofa with Cort and watch a good action pack
movie, but the one thing that always happens is the “good guys” have to figure
out what the “bad guys” are doing, and then Go to work.
that is exactly what we are going to do. Let’s take a moment together and
expose Satan’s attack plans. We know we are not battling against flesh and blood. So that let's us know we are in a spiritual battle. So let's take a moment and inventory some of the ways that Satan attacks us. I am going to list 3 I have watched played out in my life and others.
1. Get you to believe there is no God.
Once he can convenience you there is no God. His work is
done and he leaves you to your own destruction.
2. Get you
to “know of God” but not “KNOW HIM”
I have personally walked this one out. I
grew up in church and so I knew the right things to say and do because "I knew
of God". This is very dangerous because the pride in my life was leading me down
a path of I am ok. I can do both what I want and I will be fine because I know the right
things. I am sad to report nothing is farther from the truth. I was living out what Timothy warned us of. I was
allowing my selfishness and Self-center ness to rule my decisions and
choices. I knew the right things to do. I knew I had no business going where I
was going and what I was doing. But kept telling myself because I knew the word, I would be ok. I knew it was wrong but I was having a hard
time making my mind and heart line up because my flesh was stronger. I am convinced, not just because of my
circumstances but because of watching others dear to me walk down that same
paths of destruction. If we were in our bible’s every day, praying and truly seeking God. That small faint
voice, I heard telling me to get out would have been more like an ambulance warning
me. It is not until we begin to put him
in our everyday life and have a regular routine that we get to KNOW HIM.
3. Get you to crumble why you are in a growing
phase. By attacking your identity and mind.
Oh and the most classic of classic attack we read about countless times in the word. He tries to take us out while we are
growing. Joseph and Job are just two examples of this. Why is that do you think? Paul tells us that we should count our
trails as joy. I know it is because those trails produce faith. Faith is the essences of our belief. Think about
what Jesus said to those he touched to heal. His classic phrases, “Your Faith
healed You” So if Satan can knock our faith and get us focused on our
circumstances instead of our Promise he can knock us every time.
Now, I don’t know about you ladies I have
heard this stuff multiple times but it was not until I was at the shredder did
I get that I am ready to take the attack I have going on in my life and begin
to not allow the insecurities and attack plans of the enemy to rule my mind. I am ready to have my own little movie of "Independence Day" and take out the bad guy better known as Satan. We have to remind ourselves and do as Joseph and Job did Hold to the promises. So that is what I am going to do. I will hold to a promise that God gave me back in 2007. It took David 14 years of hiding in caves for
his life as a man whom he felt was like a daddy to him tried to kill him. I
believe that Satan attacks us the same as he did David. Yet David is known as a man after God's own heart. David claimed his promises and Praised through the storm. Did insecurities plague David. You bet your bottom dollar they did. But He allowed his head knowledge to penetrate his heart and stood his ground.
So my two cents of the day: Do not let GO
of your promises. Do not let Go of your Lord and don’t just know of Him. Get to
Know your Jesus. When the insecurities plague you know this. If you are not fighting
them. You are doing them or you are them. You are worth the fight. No matter
how long it takes for that promise to be fulfilled God does keep his Promises.
Love you Girls!
Speak with Boldness
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Monday, March 4, 2013
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Boldness has never been a struggle of mine. I have always been able to speak up and say what is on my mind. Honestly, my boldness normally hurts me more than it helps me. I was looking forward to bringing on a new client to handle their marketing. I had scheduled a phone call with the owner after receiving an inquiry. After going over some of his needs we were finalizing the Scope of Work.
I said, "Yes Sir"
I listened to this business owners needs and then I heard the Lord speak clearly and said, "You tell him he is speaking and thinking things that destroy his family... I will handle the rest." So finally after hearing this man speak as negative as he could. I politely interpreted him and said,"Sir, with all do respect. I know you do not know me from Adam. However, I feel the Lord told me to tell you something." I did not give him a chance to say no or yes. (I truly have a gift in this. LOL)
I said, " Sir, the Lord has brought you out of working at the beer company and has given you many blessings. You need to tap into Praising God. You need to have an additude of gratefulness because GOD alone has poured out an abundance of blessings on you and you are being ungrateful. Your God has done exactly what Jeremiah 29:11 says... He has plans to prosper you and they are good and to give you a HOPE! Do you not know that you are working against him when you say those things?"
Then I thought to myself. OH MY STARS! This will not be a future client. I reminded myself, God you pay our bills. I will be faithful.
Then He responded, "Tiffany, how old are you? I said I am 32 years old. Sir. My God has done big things for me. That is why I can speak to you with such boldness. I have watched God done the impossible in my life and I believe He can do it for you as well. I have aloud negative thoughts rob me from blessings and I don't want to see that happen to you"
Then He said, "Tiffany, can I be honest with you.?"
I said, "Yes Sir"
Tiffany, I am going to be honest. I am unhappy and thinking about leaving my wife of 17 years. I am just not happy.
Then I paused. thinking to myself.. Really God? This is You handling it? You got to be kidding me. God take my mouth and use it. Let me say what I need to say. Then I said the first thing that came to me.
I said, "Sir, you don't have that right to walk out on your marriage on your wife of your youth. Marriage is a Covenant not a Contract. Marriage is not meant for your Happiness all the time it is meant for your Holiness. Sir, we are going to pray for you and your family?"
I went boldly and I DO mean BODLY. My heart pounding out of my chest as I held that phone to my ear and began to pace my living room floor to the door of my house. I began to shake as I prayed for this family. I could see it I could feel it, and I cried out for Freedom and Chains of addiction to be broken.
I was broken for that wife, mother and lady I did not know. My mind was flooded with a very graphic movie like of this family. I had an image of her in my mind and I could not shake it. I could only imagine what she was feeling. So I prayed until the Lord told me to say the next thing.
Then I took a deep breath and said in my head father God let me deliver it with love.Up to this point this man never once told me he was addicted to porn. Sir, your wife is hurting very deeply. You are unhappy because you are filling your mind with images she will never be able to meet. Your wife was created to reflect you back. The image you see in your wife right now is a mirror of yourself. Just as you should reflect the Lord to her. You are her mirror of Jesus and then she is your mirror of you.
You have the wife God intended you to have. You need to stand up and be the man God has called you to be. If you walk out on your wife. You walk out on the blessings God has for you. I promise your business will not survive. You think you got it bad now. If you keep feeding your mind with these images you will be walking a path of death and destruction The bible says, " Death and Destruction are never satisfied either are the eyes of man." The only thing that will meet this unmet feeling you have is your Lord and Savior. No porn image or person can ever fulfill that need.
You have to be courageous. You have to take the pornography out of your phone, computer and burn the CD's and magazines you are hiding. Because your wife is beautiful and wants to please you yet you have given the enemy a foot hold in your home. You can do this. You must stand up and fight. You want to be seen as the big bad dude that can provide. Well then provide. Provide the way of escape for yourself. Go find a godly man and make him your mentor. Take the facade down and let God rebuild you.
If you walk away from your wife and kids you are walking away from the blessings of the Lord. Then I paused. Not believing I said what I just had said to this man. I could hear him breathing yet nothing coming out of the phone. I said. Sir, I know you can do this. I believe in you. Sometimes the best leaders admit when they are wrong and just simply say sorry will you forgive me. You might want to add a rose with that as well. Then I giggled.
He said, "Mrs. Tiffany, I am not certain why you have taken time out of your day to speak into my life, and that prayer you prayed. But Mrs. Tiffany you have done something so big that I could never repay you for. You spoke the truth. The truth that sets you free. No one knew about that stuff. That pornography has done nothing but made me unhappy in marriage and now I see it is stealing my very life out of me.
I said, No sir I don't know you. But God is a God of precise timing! But I also know you are my brother in Christ and you needed a hand out of the pit. That pit is dark and brings destruction to more people than just you. So I am glad I got to throw down the life line to you, but it is your job to climb out.Please know that Satan is not going to lie down now the fight will get harder.
I did not tell him this but when I was praying for him, I felt like the Holy Spirit showed me a very crystal picture of his wife and of him, and I had a choice of throwing the lifeline down to help. As much as I wanted to bring his company on and have a new client. I came to the point with God that yes we need money, but I would rather be apart of saving a marriage than having a new client. I knew God was given me a choice of throwing down the life line rope. I had to throw it down. I hung the phone up and tears flooded me. I began to pray even more. I knew that I had done the right thing, yet I was in totally shock of what I just said to this man and what occurred on that phone call.
I want to encourage you ladies out there. We all have chances to speak into peoples lives. Sometimes it is easy to be bold. Other times you are scared to death, because we need a paycheck, or scared you will lose your friends. But the one thing God taught me today is. I AM your Jehovah Jirah. You speak Bold and IN LOVE and my truth will set people free.
While I will probably will never met his beautiful wife, and who knows if He will sign the Scope of Work now. LOL! I truly believe I was apart of getting a family back into church, started the healing of a marriage, and help a man break the addiction of Porn off his life. All because this chick spoke with boldness and did not allow the enemy to tell her she is stupid. What will you do today? Will you be bold! The fields are ready to harvest? Are you ready to go to work? Because God is ready to put us to WORK!!!!
Love y'all
Far from a 'kumbaya'Family
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Friday, January 18, 2013
Comments: (0)
from a 'kumbaya'Family
5 personalities, 4 girls, 1 handsome man, and a cute little
fur ball is what our family is made up of.
Each family is made up with different personalities, strengths, birth
orders and weakness. When one of us
hurts the others hurt. When one wins we all celebrate. When entering our doors you might feel as if you enter a firework show rather than a calm
campfire scene setting around roasting marshmallows singing Kumbaya my Lord. While most people would take Cort as a quiet a
man of little words, I have had the pleasure from day one to get to see the
side that he only allows few to know.
Cort Bethmann is the
funniest man I have ever met in my life. He leads with wisdom and strength, and
when it comes to competition it is on!
My girls are very different. Rielly has always been mature way beyond
her years, has the most giving and loving spirit. She is very reserved and
tends to follow in her daddy’s footsteps of watching you and assisting you
before allowing you in. Once she feels you will not hurt her. Chaise is very sweet she is our middle child
and is very territorial over her things. I am always amazed at the deals she
works up with her sisters. She tends to be the “money bags” of the family. I love watching her and Rielly when the come
up with an idea. Rielly pitches the idea, and approaches Chaise for a loan.
Chaise comes up with what she will need to have in return for her investment and
they both come out on top. Kailee Grace is the youngest of the family. Let’s
just say that little bit has three mommies, and keeps us all on our toes.
Rielly and Chaise tell her all of the time she has Jedi-mad skills of getting
out of trouble and can get me laughing. Buddy the dog is the newest addition.
God never gave me a son of my own flesh so I got a male dog. I figured it was a
good trade, and would be easier on my body. To say I love my family is an understatement.
These are the 5 people I would take a bullet for; jump in a train for would
give my last breath to. While we might
not be perfect, God brought us together to be the Bethmanns.
You hear it a lot that two first borns together makes life a
little difficult sometimes. Why is that?
Well, being a first born married to a first born, and having a first
born, middle and baby in the family I have been asking God to show me how to
use our strengths as firstborns as strengths instead of weakness.
Typically, if you are a first born you will tend to be a “little”
bossy. I stress “little”. I mean you see
yourself as smarter and better than
others and well no one can do it to your level, and statics prove that they are
typically are the movers and shakers. We
also tend to be the perfectionists of the world, just a personal opinion but I
think it is because we did not pop out of the womb holding the parenting book.
We are the lab rat tester for our parents. Having my own first born and knowing the level
I hold her too I 100% believe this to be true.
We tend to have a running joke in our home with our oldest
daughter Rielly. She loves watching Nanny 911 and has the British accent down, and
all her parenting techniques down. She tends to crack me up when she bust out
as my personal Nanny teaching me how to raise the girls. Rielly
tells Cort and me all the time that we do not hold the other two girls to the
level that she was/ is held too. I love
being out in public and Rielly start talking about how “WE” (Cort, her and me)
are raising the two little girls. I will
tell you yes I have slacked the more kids I get because you learn that some
things just are not that big of a deal as you thought. While we do most of the parenting, being the oldest
in my family and having a little sister. I do understand that the two other
girls do want to be like their oldest sister. Since Rielly was six she has been a role model
to the other girls, and honestly walks out that calling very well. While no one
is perfect she does try her best to give advice and does a great job helping us
So with three first borns in the house we tend to have three
natural born leaders, which means we have three different ideas and we all
think we are right. It amazes me that
the child that is the same birth order as you tend to clash more with. So even though Cort and I to be like two sheep
butting heads due to those natural personalities and traits of being first
borns, I would not trade it for the world. I love the way Cort leads, and how
as a first born you have this feeling of needing to establish your territorial right.
So while we will probably never have the kumbaya family. I
know with every fiber in my being we are all in this family because He has a
plan. So I started asking God what verses do I pray. We can’t change birth
orders, our family is our family. Rielly
says our family motto is: "Ohana means family. Family means no one is left
behind - or forgotten."
I really
started thinking about that this morning after dropping her off at school. We
are all part of Go’'s family and each one of us has a birth order, traits, and
personality, and no matter how crazy it gets God tells us we are his Ohana! Nothing
we do can ever take us out of his hands. No one, no thing can pluck us from his
hands. Not even anything we do. I know that I have not been the perfect Christian,
wife or mother. Yet nothing can remove me out of the Bethmann Family, or the
Family of God. Today, I felt lead to let you each know that there is absolutely
nothing you can do that will take your spiritual birth right. While you might think,
“Oh my if they knew this about me…. They would not accept me. Well, I want you
to know that is nothing but a lie from the enemy.
remember a time in my life I had to call my husband up scared to death to let
him know what I was dealing with, but opening up the lines of communication and
sharing what I was going through brought about freedom for me and even for
him. It really ticks me off that so many
of us believe the lies of the enemy that we cannot let our family know because
I will look like a failure or they will view me as a weak person. When in reality, not opening up and asking
for help from someone family member or friend you are staying in prison.
I want to
shout it from the roof tops. God gives you opportunities to get out of what you
are trapped in, however if we allow pride and fear to paralyzes we might miss
out on the best He has for us. I don’t know who this is for today, but I feel very
strong to let you know. "Ohana means family. Family means no one is
left behind - or forgotten." Nothing you do, say will ever take you out of
your earthly or physical family. Do not believe the lie. Walk in your freedom
today. Remove the Yuck that has a grip over you.
I know it
is hard to admit when you do something that is something that goes so against
every fiber of your being. When I say I
have walked out that process I have walked it out. More than I would ever like
to admit. The one thing I have learned is the longer you let it linger the
deeper the wound to heal. While fear and the lies of the enemy will try to keep
you paralyzed you have to take the stance of a first born. Whether you are a
firstborn, baby or middle child in your family, in the kingdom of God, You are
a first born! You are strong, you are a leader, you have the ability to push
through and come up on top.
So my two
cent’s today is:
Stand Firm on these verses….God wants to bring
Healing, yet you get a choice today. Will today be the day of Freedom for
you? Remember "Ohana
means family. Family means no one is left behind - or forgotten."
John 8:7 When they persisted
in asking him questions, he straightened up and said, "The person who is
sinless should be the first to throw a stone at her."
This gives
you the peace in knowing. We all sin and no one is without sin. Rest in the
Gal. 5:1 It is for freedom
that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be
burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Check out this song: It is one I love and very close to my heart.
Forgiveness. Food. Freedom Are you Serious these GO together?
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Comments: (0)
Forgiveness. Food. Freedom. The 3 F- words we have a love hate relationship with. Agree? Well,
Last Night at our table the discussion was a very interested
one. I had made a meal that all three girls were less than thrilled to eat.
Salmon, creamed garlic cauliflower and steam broccoli. Instead, hearing the praises of the meal I
slaved over. My beautiful meal was
greeted with comments of YUCK what is this? Do we have to eat this? I want
something else.
Cort and I have been on a journey together we had decided
back in July of 2012, after we got in the new house we would be getting
ourselves back in shape. I had heard this phrase several times. If
nothing changes nothing changes.
So in January we kicked of a 24 Day Challenge with some of
our friends. I have done several 24 day Challenges already alone, but this
journey together has been both wonderful, but also in a weird way a spiritual
experiences. While we are both very very
competitive with each other and well just in general like to win! So we
all set up a little wager. Whatever couple loses less has to sing Karaoke. Well, let’s just say singing on stage is not
my talent and no way are Cort and I going to lose. Just to give you a little
insight on The Bethmann competitiveness when we have family game nights we
divided up and let’s just say we have TEAM NAMES. Chaise and I are normally
teamed together. We dubbed ourselves and have the team name of “TEAM WINNERS”! While,
normally Rielly, Kailee and Daddy join forces and well… that is that. Who is really
counting if they tend to beat us more than we beat them? I am not I take the
stance what you speak you will become!
However, today Cort and I finished our herbal cleanse
together. I am proud to announce that we are both seeing HUGE results, but that
the results go pass weight lost for me. I have already dropped 10 pounds, but I will
tell you that God has done more than that and I want to share what I truly feel
God wants to do for several people.
With those 10 pounds that have come off, in a strange way
each pound represented a pain that I have dealt with. It was if I was hiding
under the weight and trying to hide from dealing with the hurt. While physically, I had a pressure washing
experience going on in my digestive track. In the heaven God was ready to take
me to a new level of healing. While healing for some comes in a miracle form
all done at once. God is having me walk it out.
While most couples get their first year as what they call a
Honeymoon phase, we both were faced as newlyweds, and on the third day of our
Honeymoon. We were both at a young age
of 20 with a baby girl caught up in a tornado experiences. If you have ever had
to deal with Betrayal you will know and be able to relate to the feelings that
come from that experiences, but manifest themselves years down the road. I can’t tell you how many times I would hear
people say, “Tiffany, you have to forgive them.” I wanted to scream at them. Seriously, do you
think I don’t know that. I can’t tell you how many times I have written in my
journal healing for them, forgiveness, even asking God to bless them with a 100
folds, but with that being said. Forgiveness is a process for so many people,
and I am amazed how so many times we as Christians do not show grace to those
walking through it. Seriously, I mean
think about this…. Jesus was ultimately betrayed by me. He took on my sins, and
yours. Do you know that with the story of redemption and the cross I have not
once heard one preacher ever say forgiveness even for our Messiah was a process.
The weight of Betrayal and hurts are overwhelming. He knew what he was going to
be facing in the garden. He asked His Heavenly Father, begged him please take
this, is there anyother way. He understands the weight of betrayal and the process
that it takes to forgive. While we can
never put ourselves in the place of Jesus on the cross, in a weird way I have
peace knowing that God is not bound by time and that he allowed his son that
time in his human nature to walk through the process off forgiving each one of
us for how we betrayed him.
While we might deal with years of taking the layers and pain
off. I believe God in flesh (JESUS) was not bound in time was walking through
the process. It gives me Hope that He was able to raise His weak Head and cry
So many times when we deal with hurts, we long for that
call, and letter of asking for forgiveness, but our own savior did not get that
letter. He has to journey on the path of forgiveness. The journey of
forgiveness is a dark, bitter lonely path, BUT GLORY TO GOD! Jesus has given us
the secrets to forgiveness in HIS WORD.
I don’t know all of
your pains and hurts you are dealing with. We each deal with our own, and
forgiveness comes in bits in pieces, and sometimes all at once. I heard this on
the radio this morning. A father called in and said, If I could ask God one
thing I would ask Him why my 10 year old
son was killed in a car wreck driving with his mom. He said you know the
hardest thing is when people say “God is in control and will use this.” While, yes that is the truth, but we have to
walk through the forgiveness. Forgiveness for some comes in a big BOOM. Others
depending on how deep the hurt goes I truly believe God pulls it off in layers.
Why? Because we serve a GRACIOUS GOD, and he knows how deep the Betrayal, tragedies
and even circumstances we bring on ourselves affects each one of us.
The one thing I have discovered on this journey of
forgiveness is that it a process. A process that you walk out daily. When you take one step forward towards your
healing you have an enemy ready to launch an attack only to push you back.
There comes a point when you want your Freedom! Because in a
weird way when you have a betrayal on such a deep level that I experienced you
somehow are hit with not only the betrayal, but that of shame, anger,
bitterness, and guilt all wrapped up and launched. It is like being in the
snowball fight with a baseball practice machine. As fast as you can hit one
ball you are back up having to swing to hit the next pitch.
About a week or so before Christmas, I started praying
asking God. Why did I have to experience such deep betrayal not just me, but
why do I have to watch my child at the age of 15 deal with these same emotions
I have struggled with for some time. See it was not until my own child began to
cry out and write songs, and poems of the pain she had to endure from the lies
of others, and how they had put into her a seed of distrust at such a young age,
and caused her to be traumatized. That did I know God was about to pull one
more layer off. This layer is dealing with letting anger go. Probably one of
the more difficult ones I have dealt with.
I mean honestly, as the Mom the natural thing you want to do is call them
up and say, let’s go you think you are so big and bad and really give them a
good kick in the butt for their actions that destroyed so many lives and you
watch stretch to a whole a family. To seat with them and say, “Do you truly, not
see the division you have brought? I
mean that conversation could be a whole novel in itself. SO I will spare you
from that. LOL
While I would love to say that I have all the answers for
you, me, anyone who goes through pain and betrayal. I don’t! I do know this. I
believe with my ever fiber that if we want to see true healing not only in our
emotional, physical, financial, relationships, even spiritually. I truly
believe it begins with this…
Growing up I heard the story of Joseph and his brothers. I
love love love that story! Growing up my grandmother jokingly called me the “Joseph
of the family”. Oddly enough she and my aunt are the very ones who took on the
role of the brothers and sold me into slavery.
Not a real slavery, but a slavery of what I would call un- forgiveness
through they betrayal they brought on Cort and I. Just as Joseph’s brothers
sold him off to be a slave.
The neat thing about this story is that Joseph went through
several things. It was not a walk in the
park for this man. He was imprisoned on false accessions, but it was through
this journey that he was walking to fulfill his destiny. A destiny that would
touch many lives, it was a destiny that would save a nation. He was raised up
to protect the food and help provide the people and help them get the nutrition
they needed while the famine was in the land. So they could stay strong.
Now you might be saying, Girl! Please you have fallen off
your rocker, but hear me out! What if
the answer of true freedom starts with the most basic principles? What if it goes back to some of the old ideas
and patterns? We all talk about being organized, feeling great. Well I would
say, for my life I truly believe freedom is on its way not just for me but for
others. For us to truly be healed we have to be willing to look at our lives in
a new way.
I think we have to be the strongest we can to fight a very
strong enemy. In Genesis, God said to the serpent he would put ENIMITY between
the woman and snake. That snake was the devil. I am doing a bible study called FIGHT LIKE A
GIRL by Lisa Bevere. It is wonderful, but there have been some sentences that have totally rocked me to my core. I
cannot let go of. I want to share these with you.
What would happen if women used their powers of
insight and influences for healing and nurture?
We long for restoration of our lost paradise.
Have we learned anything in all the years of
pain? How many parents have lost their hearts of their children because they
forgot why they had the? It was never to control them but to provide an environment
in which they will flourish.
those will impact you as they did me. What I feel God is asking me to do is
teach my girls and provide our family with the foundations. In a weird way, I had this thought. What if
our body was like a field or a foundation, and what if we as women teach our
kids to put in the good stuff. When our
kids were babies we would go the distance to make sure they were getting well balance nutrients for their body to ensure they would grow. Then it hit me: Like being ran over by a
train! For me to grow spiritual and have those seeds and words truly be
digested into my very fiber I have to have my temple prepared to receive. I
want ever fiber of my being and my families to absorb the word, the truth and
not be crowed or too busy stuffing our faces on the sofa with chips and sodas.
All those do is zap our energy. I know we are in a new year and what better
time to take on our role as women. What if we go back to the basics the foundations?
We do what we were called to do nurture! What if start to raise a generation
equipped to fight the Good Fight. Fueled on Good Foods, and the LIVING WORD OF
GOD I truly believe that would be a generation that would do Great and Mighty
things for God.
So I
encourage every mom, and future mom that is reading this blog. Ask yourself
this question? Are you teaching your kids how to properly fuel their bodies
with good nutrition? America has a epidemic of obesity. It is time as women to
stand up and teach our families how to overcome and use our insight and God-given role to nurture and care for our families.
mean, this is not easy! Trust me! Remember how my dinner started out last night,
had a table of kids complaining, but it is our part. We can’t let a little
crying and complaining knock us back! Our health our families Health and the
Health of God’s people will be vital for the future.
put us in a natural role and gave us the ability to nurture. If your child was
sick with a sinus infection there is not one Momma I know that would not go the
distances to get them that health they needed. Same thing! For your child to
get the best and be their best we must teach them and make it a priority
to put those whole and living foods in
them and us.
there is one thing I have learned during this 10 day cleanse is that for me to
get to the deep stuff, God has to pull the layers of pain off. I truly
believe that our bodies are the temple of the Lord and He wants the best for
us. So how about we stand and fight in
our correct roles as women. What if we took this Generation we call X, and we
marked it for the KINGDOM.
am not a tree huger. I truly am trying to make some huge changes in my family
in the things we put in our bodies, and feel lead to bring my friends and
girlfriends along and us do it together. Food can no more be a way to cover the
pain for us! For us to be strong for the battle the Lord has us in, it is going
to take more than just reading the scriptures, fasting and praying. He is
calling us as women to bring back the community around the table, and teach our
girl that what we feed our bodies is important!
two cents of the day:
If Nothing Changes. Nothing will Change! How
about join me on this journey of healing. I believe in this year 2013. God wants to pour out healing in so many areas of our lives, and on a
deep level. I am here to help you. Please if you want to learn more about the 24 Day Challenge call me 817-897-0023.
Blessings to all you CHICKS!
That Sneaky Little Thing!!!!
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Monday, January 14, 2013
Comments: (0)
I grew up with in a family that had a family
owned and operated Pest Control Company for over 30 years. So when I run into
anything that I would deem a pest the first call I make is to my dad. While my sister enjoyed crawling under the
houses and getting her hands dirty with the family business I would say I was
more into the marketing side of things. Now don't get me wrong I am not scared to get muddy. It was more less the creatures that were going to be in the mud with me that I wanted to make sure I had a ten foot pole distances from anything to do with creatures and crawling in the mud.
So I tried to always come up with the ideas for dad on how we could grow bigger, coming up
with cute postcards, I even have him on facebook now with a page. Check him out - Lowes Lawn and Pest Control.
So when a mouse showed up without me noticing until it was too late in
my new home. Staying calm was what I wanted to do, but I gave this sneaky thing a hillbilly redneck Howdy! I mean I think I handled it not too bad. I am not to sure he enjoyed my welcome because he took off running like he had seen a one eyed grizzly bear or something. I went to doing the TN two step with a leap and a turn and a dosi doo square dance move onto the sofa. Then had a little bit of the Chicken Dance and Pep Ralley moment all tied up together. To say I flipped out well that would just be to nice.
Most people would just go out and buy a mouse trap and say
that is that, but I was ready to launch a full out battle attack on this little thing that I had now named Ralph the Mouse. I was going to be holding nothing back. I was launching Mission Ralph Goes Bye Bye. I wanted the nuclear bomb of
bait, and wanted to make sure I had the gorilla war zone boo bee traps laid
correctly, and everywhere. I knew the one man that would understand and give me the best attack
plan and understand what Mission Ralph would need to look like. I was ready to take my house back at all cost.
So I called Dad and said, “Daddy, I have a mouse! I need it
gone.” Because my Dad respects my
husband and the authority he has in our home he said well where is Cort? I said, “Dad he is at work and I am going to
have to catch this thing, and then Cort can get rid of it. So where and what can I get to show him he sneaked
into the wrong house.”
Now let’s pause a moment. Before the girls spotted this
little stinking creature running across the floor he came into our home unannounced
and probably was in the middle of setting up house, and hanging up his Mouse Family Portrait just like Jerry did in his mouse hole on Tom and Jerry, when we discovered we had an
unwanted guest. After the fact, I started to chuckle a little
because that is so how the enemy will sneak into our lives. Unannounced without
drawing attention to himself and just begin to set up a corner here and there. Now
I would love to say we did not give this little sneaky booger an invitation
into our home, but we did.
Like a true professional my dad began to assess my house. I
laughed because I had heard him do this hundred times I mean my sister and I
could do this questionnaire to the tee growing up. After we discovered that when the girls
had their friends over Monday for a party, they all had gone to the garage and they had gotten into the chips
and left a bag or two on the ground opened while leaving the garage open for several hours. Now I can promise you now they all understand the importance of keeping food and following the rules of the house No food but in the kitchen. But what was done was done and we learned that the most innocent
action gave the invitation to this creature.
Isn’t that so true in our lives. We have good intentions of
not wanting to let the enemy have footholds in our lives. However, the most
innocent way for him to have an invitation in our life is through OUR WORDS!
The bible teaches us that our words speak life or
death. I can’t tell you how many times
in a day with three girls and myself I have to remind us that we will not be
negative. Wait! It would probably be more true to say this.... I can't tell you how many times with living in a home with four women that Cort tells us not to be negative. We have a little rule in our house that Cort established when Rielly was little. This little rule in the past year or so has re surfaced on a more frequently in the Bethmann Home.
Cort is a man that has wisdom beyond his years and knows how
to say something to a child that will stick and stay, and yes... to me as well. He truly is that iron that sharpens me. The rule that Cort established is The PP Rule. The PP Rule
basically means: IF it is not POSITIVE or POSSIBLE you don’t say it. I would
love to say I don’t get reminded about the PP rule, but probably once a week
this great man will say, “Honey, is that PP?”
and of course everything in me wants to smack him silly and say OH I
will show you some PP boy, but instead I normal begin to laugh inside because of the silly name he gave it. I am honestly glad he does that because it truly
has changed my way of thinking.
Well, as far as that little rodent goes! VICTORY WAS OURS!
Sunday morning my night in shining armor arose victorious and whacked that
little booger over the head. While yes
it was only a 3 inch tiny mouse. To me Cort had conquered the dragon that was
hissing at me and keeping me scared to death to walk around my house.
So just as Cort whacked that thing over the head, we also have
to watch the way we are speaking negative
over our lives. We must make sure and whacked those negative thoughts out of our heads to ensure that we do not give any invitation to the enemy in our
lives, homes, marriages, and jobs.
So my two cents worth tonight is:
A positive wife breathes life into the home. We must purpose that we have to keep our tongues
from evil and lips from speaking lies. I don’t know maybe it is time to
establish the Cort Bethmann PP rule! Who knows what little sneaky boogers you
could keep out!
Love you ladies,
Tiffany Bethmann
Really! I got THIS!
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Thursday, January 10, 2013
Comments: (0)
I have always had that attitude underlying thought in my
head that tells me “I can do it by
myself”. I mean seriously when it comes to certain things you just don’t
want anyone doing them because they just can’t do it like you. SURPRISE!!! I do have some OCD tendencies. Growing up I had a great life. I had parents
who taught me at a young age to strive for what you want and you can do
anything no one can stop you. My dad and mom
are both first born and if they wanted to do something by golly they did
it. It was wonderful. Our family was always known by they can get the job done
those Walkers can do anything they put their minds too, and on top of that we
would knock it out of the park. So when
I say it is deeply rooted in me that I have an attitude of “I can do it all by myself” it is deeply rooted in my heritage. While don’t get me wrong when I use this
thought patter for the things of God it brings about Massive Change, but like
any gift or characteristic used the wrong way can be destructive.
Last night, I could not sleep I was up until 1:30 am working
on some gift baskets, but there was this irritation keeping me for going to
bed. When I finally crawled in the bed late last night I tossed and turned. I
could not sleep. I started praying the normal prayer. OH God make our family
one that seeks you, Keep us protected for any outside influences that would try
to destroy us. Holy Spirit come into this house and fill each one of us. Let the girls have a passion for the things of you. Finally, I
went to bed, but there was still some frustration and tons of anxiety from a
discussion that Cort and I had earlier, and the funny thing about it is I
should not have had any frustration or anxiety about it.
The conversation was that of Cort coming into my office, that precious man was interested in what I was working on and asking if we had a plan with the baskets I was working on. I feel now that He wanted
to be a part of what I was doing, yet instead of letting him. I went down the road of well he thinks I can't do it alone, he thinks I am dumb. Does he not see I am trying! When in reality he just wanting to help me succeed.
Why is it that I immediately took on that “I can do it all by
myself” mentality unknowingly? Now granted never in a million years last night
could I tell you that the stress, anxiety and frustration was coming from me
trying to do it all by myself. Instead of allowing Cort to help out. Because I was so focused on the task of getting the job done and no one could do it like me. I told Cort, " I was stressed and just had no clue what the plan was. He kindly giggled and said, “Tiff, put things in
That one phrase I
chewed on mentality all night. Really? I woke up kind of with the same feeling of
frustration, but also with anxiety which was causing me to be more short. Which was making me frustrated at my self for screwing it up. Why could I not get this right? I can do this! I kept telling myself.
Cort woke up, all smiles and giggles he even busted a move this morning to one
of his favorite songs. Just one of the many things I love about my man! Because he will never know how he makes me take my mind off the craziness by just being him. It was not until I was doing the dishes and
praying this prayer.
"God I don’t want to be angry I don’t want to feel this way. Can you help me! I need to hear your voice! I need direction and clarity! HOW DO I DO THIS??? "
Then I heard the whisper of God say, “Well, then Tiff. Let’s put it in perspective."
WHAT!!!! "Are you and Cort like on the same page? Why did you use that phrase? I know it is not news to you that I tossed all night because of those 5 words!" Wait! I mean of course I was not yelling at God that would be so unlike me. Since my prayer was God please help me.
Just as gentle as before I heard, "You
think you can do it all by yourself. How about trust? You think you can do it
all because allowing someone else to come in and do it means a delay which
means you have to exercise patience and trust.” is what I felt the Lord say.
Then I responded, “Right! I hate delay if I do it,
then it gets done, I have peace knowing it was done and well I can move on.”
understand that Tiffany, but this I can do it all by myself mentality takes me
out of the picture.”
Those words, thoughts, inspiration whatever you want to call that conversation I had hit me like a ton of bricks.
First of all, that phrase that had me feeling anxiety and frustration last night
was repeated this morning to me, yet the rest of it came. How many times as wife and mothers do we
think we can do it better than our husbands?
TOO MANY! When the truth of the
matter is we need them. We need their protection, their wisdom, their
companionship, their help parenting and their love. When we take
on that attitude of “I got this by myself” we take God out of the picture.
But the bigger thing I believe God is teaching
me right now and I wanted to share it is. That I tend to take up that attitude because I do not like the
delay I like results, but through the delay will come the correct results. The lasting results, the direction and guidance.
I hope this helps some of you girls out today!
So my Two
Cent’s Worth today is this: Do not despise
Help. Our help comes from the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Without him the
lasting change the mountain moving experiences we desire will never come. The delays are
there because God is teaching us to depending on him and because he is a God of
Perfect Timing! Each person is unique and we need each other
What has God done for you lately?
Posted by
Tiffany Bethmann
on Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Comments: (0)
January 3rd was a stake in the ground kind of day
for me. To be completely transparent and honest I am not the easiest person to
live with and my husband and children probably be receiving a special crown and
seat in heaven for the grace they have shown me. I imagine the award ceremony for Cort going
something like this… Cort Harrison Bethmann you are a man who has loved the unlovable, you were able to endure harsh words of anger, took on what you did not have to and words that cut you to the core
yet through it all you loved the unlovable and for that my son you receive the most
glorious jewel in heaven for the LOVE jewel.
Anger is something that I truly struggle with. It has been
something that I pray that God would deliver me from and remove from my life. I
can’t tell you the countless times that I would say, “That is it I am done I
will not be yelling anymore. I am changing.” Only to let myself down 10 days
Well this past Christmas, I was probably sicker than I would
ever want anyone to know. I have never ached so much and coughed to where my
stomach would fill as if I had been beaten up by Mahamaded Ali. I would look at myself in the mirror and see
this pale face staring back at me. I tried to fight it myself and just deal
with the pain because we have no health insurance and I did not want to use our
precious funds to pay for my sickness; however it became apparent to me that I
was going to need some intervention. However,
it is funny how God always puts me on my “back” when he is ready to teach me
something. Probably because he knows I
like to go. Three other times in my life has he put me on my back and made me
Be Still so I could learn and receive what he had for me.
As I laid in my bed, I received an email from a buddy of
mine. Saying he felt like God said to share this devotion with me. While the
last 5 months in my life have been difficult months and I had lost sight of how
God was going to be faithful to me during storms. It is so funny how when it is a sandpapering season in my life anger always comes to get me. Honestly, I think that the anger is really a root of fear and not wanting to trust. So instead of having to extend trust I use the anger to keep those away from me I love the most. This study truly reminded me
that I had a heritage of faith. Tears
streamed down my face and I began to cry Jan 3rd @ 10:00am. Lord, I
do have a hertigage of you being faithful, but I need you to do something for me
that would come straight for you. I need a miracle a miracle that will not
change or waiver. I need you to remove the anger and make me be able to have a
joy again. I am not saying that I will
never lose my temper or yell again. Come on! I am only human, but what I
believe is that I am taking the steps to see God remove the anger and trusting
him for miracles.
I heard my girls in the living room watching TV. Instead of joining them I set in my bed and God REMINDED me of How faithful he was and
will be. It was kind of like that song Carrie Underwood
sings “REMIND ME” I needed a reminder from God.
Each day he has reminded me of how he has been faithful to Cort and I
and the girls.
One of the biggest miracles I experienced from God being faithful to me
happened when I had turned a notice in to leave a job. I needed and desired a flexible schedule since I was a single full-time mom to Rielly.
For so long, I was so focus on making life better for
her that she became second, third out of my desire to making her the number one. I was
trying to go to college full-time, work a full-time job, study and there was no
manual for this 17 year old girl to figure out how to juggle. I thank God that
I had family who helped me. But the biggest miracle I received occurred when I
was 18 years old. I had just left a good
paying job because my pastor had advised me and said it is time to put Rielly
first. A lot of crazy things were happening in my life and I felt like Dorthy
caught up in the tornado.
My parents had
separated, and I was engaged to a wonderful man. I can remember that week, month and year as if
it was just yesterday. I would put
Rielly to bed and then begin to cry. Lord, give me a job. I want nothing more
than to help this child be a better person than me. However, God had a different plan he had a
plan that was to give me back the time the enemy had stolen from me. I cried every night because I knew I was
about to lose my car, my house and probably be on the street with a baby. God did
not allow that to happen. The coolest thing without going into tons of detail I
saw God provide big time and he taught me through this experience it was ok to
trust him and trust Cort.
While I was getting comfortable with trusting Cort. God reminded me that ultimately he is in control and my provider. I was down to my last meal, last diaper and Cort’s checks had not come in from that months invoices we had sent out. I did not want to put the pressure on him so I looked at Rielly and said, “Baby girl it is time to pray. I was already trying not to eat as much as usually to ensure that she would have enough. But the truth was we had just had our last meal, and I used the last pull- up that night. I was brutally honest with her and said, " We need God to provide for us Rielly." She and her child like faith said, " Well let’s pray Mommy." So we did .
Not a word was spoken to anyone but Rielly, me and God it was Saturday night at 12:00 midnight. We both prayed for easy mac, a loaf of bread, pull ups, a watermelon, and then she asked God for some toys. Then with ever once of our being we went to bed knowing that God was going to take care of us. Sunday morning Cort arrived at our apartment to pick me us up for church. When he came in he said, This was on your front steps this morning. I looked at Rielly and she at me. She was totally pysch because she had some new toys, Easy Mac, Bread, pull-ups and even a watermelon. I was speechless! Which does not happen often. I watched God do that over and over again in that season.
While I was getting comfortable with trusting Cort. God reminded me that ultimately he is in control and my provider. I was down to my last meal, last diaper and Cort’s checks had not come in from that months invoices we had sent out. I did not want to put the pressure on him so I looked at Rielly and said, “Baby girl it is time to pray. I was already trying not to eat as much as usually to ensure that she would have enough. But the truth was we had just had our last meal, and I used the last pull- up that night. I was brutally honest with her and said, " We need God to provide for us Rielly." She and her child like faith said, " Well let’s pray Mommy." So we did .
Not a word was spoken to anyone but Rielly, me and God it was Saturday night at 12:00 midnight. We both prayed for easy mac, a loaf of bread, pull ups, a watermelon, and then she asked God for some toys. Then with ever once of our being we went to bed knowing that God was going to take care of us. Sunday morning Cort arrived at our apartment to pick me us up for church. When he came in he said, This was on your front steps this morning. I looked at Rielly and she at me. She was totally pysch because she had some new toys, Easy Mac, Bread, pull-ups and even a watermelon. I was speechless! Which does not happen often. I watched God do that over and over again in that season.
Through my parents
separation my car got sold, and at the time was a huge slap to me because I had
been paying the car payment, and had been for a while. Yet never saw any of the
money from the sell of the car. Yet God was teaching me, that he will provide
for me, and I was learning to be humbled and not full of pride. The next day,
after my car was picked up I received a phone call from Papaw. “Hey! Tiffy I
just wanted to call you up and let you know I have a car for sale. I knew at the time I only had maybe $5.00 to
my name. So I said Ok Papaw how much you selling it for. Papaw told me the
price I wanted to sell it for this, but I felt like I was suppose to offer it
to you for $1.00 or so.” my Papaw said. Now, while most of you are thinking wow this
is great. It was great! But at the same time it was a humbling experience
because this is the car was the same car I would tell my Mamaw to park at the end of
the street at CHS and I would walk down to her. This car which I grew to love very deeply was
the color of brown doodoo and was longer than a school bus. So it was kind of a
bittersweet moment. However, I will tell
you it did not take long to grow to have a love for that car.
Theses are just some of the stories and memories that flooded my mind as I laid in my bed and went through the list of times God was faithful to me.
I am telling you all this because now I find myself in the
same place. Since Cort and I moved back to TN I had been crying out to God
since Feb 2012 that I wanted to be a full time mommy once again and wife. I did not want to be in corporate America and be the full time bread earner for our family. Yet the dollar and cents just did not add up. See when we moved from TX , I was the full
time bread earner because it was my job that brought us back to TN. Cort had a
very successful law firm and we were very comfortable where we were at. Yet God
knew the desires of our hearts from when we first got married. Cort had always told me he wanted to live in
Middle, TN and raise our girls there. However, lawschool had moved us to TX. SO
when we got the chance to move back and God gave us the green light we moved
backed. It was not an easy move and things did not turn out like we had
Now Cort has a wonderful job working as a Finical Wealth
Manager and Trust Officer down town Franklin. He gets to use his law degree to help families which
he loves, and if you are looking for one of those. Let me be the first to say-
He is your man!
At then end of summer, God gave Cort and I the strength
through a difficult circumstance to say Our family is more important than
money, and we were not going to let a job destroy our family. So setting in a Starbucks with one of my close friends after a morning of very heated discussion with one another. Cort and I took the steps to turn my notice in. A good friend of ours Adam
Engle who was also my boss at the time will never know how much he means to our family, and what a huge part
he played in bringing us home, and even getting me back in the house to be that
full time mommy I so desired. I know with out a doubt I was suppose to work that job and God used that job to bring about lasting eternity changes. IF it was not for the month in Feb I spent with a friend traveling I am not sure what would have occurred for good friend of mine that was a confessed atheist who now is a born again Christian! The truth of the matter is if Adam never brought me to work for him, that life would not have changed. I am in awe of Gods details.
So again, I find myself
almost 12 years later having the desire of being a full time mommy again having
to trust God with my family which is much larger now, but this time knowing that my heritage with the Lord is that of him
always coming through, and handing the reins of providing for our family back
to Cort. Knowing that it might be the 11th hour, but my God is
faithful, and Cort is a man I can trust.
So my two cent’s today is: God is faithful. If you are going
through something look back and remind yourself of where he has taken you in
the past and what He has done for you in the past. While it might be a on a
larger scale this time I can rest in knowing the larger scale is so Cort and I can see we
need God just as much as we did, and the miracle is on the way!
Love y'all!
Tiffany Bethmann